The Red Fort, Feb. 7

A pleasant adventure to the Red Fort in Delhi turned out to be a magical experience. I had no idea what the Red Fort was all about. I just knew it was a massive stone wall that went for miles around. And I thought it was so huge, it would be an exhausting ordeal to even visit! But fortunately I was totally wrong and we were in for a real treat. It is, of course, an ancient war fort, built to protect the capital of India – Delhi.
FullSizeRender 4And the history of Delhi reads like an adventure novel with tons of dreary battles and blood baths. Quite the tourist attraction, we waited in a long line and I marveled at the Indian fashions! I have been feeling in a let down mood after leaving Mysore, and I felt my spirits pick up as I started seeing the exotic display of humanity around me. Quite often Allynn and I are asked to pose with the Indian folk for photos and we are more than delighted to do so! So today I got brave and asked many people if I could take their photos. Usually people are willing to accommodate us and sometimes it begins a pleasant conversation.


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As we entered the Fort I was pleasantly surprised to see a shopping bazaar! Retail Therapy time! And then we strolled thru the spectacular interior garden and palace complex that I had no idea that it existed. Inside the massive stone walls is a virtual city that is designed to be a garden of paradise! Who would have thought? I am really beginning to admire this city of Delhi! And – much of the Fort was destroyed by the British Army. So what you see now is only a small part of what was there before. Amazing -This was a really special day for us and we topped it off with an incredibly delicious Indian dinner. I wish all of You could have been with us today. You too might have loved the shopping as much as I and I know you would have loved the dinner. I know Allynn really appreciated it because for the past 3 nights our dinner here at the hotel has been a tangerine! – one of the staples here. Funny what you do when you don’t have a kitchen. Love to you all and Hugs. Good Night! Love Annie.
P S. Allynn captivated the crowd with his wonderful show at Sharon Lowen’s amazing school.
She is a Wonder and we are so Grateful to her for all that she has so generously done for us! Thank You Sharon! She has her 97 year old mother living with her. She brought her over here to India from her home in Michigan several years ago and she too is sweet as pie. WOW!

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