Wednesday, Jan 25, 2017
It’s been three days since we’ve been at this school. Annie starts the day at 7am with most of the 8 students doing yoga… then we have class from 9-Noon…. lunch till 1… then class from 1-4 or so. In the evening we should continue to study, review, and practice. Annie and I mostly walk into the village (about a 15-20 minute walk)…. get an ice cream and groceries for diner… then return to cook. Tonight 4 of the other students all added their veggies to our stir fried and we all enjoyed a group dinner and talk. It’s so much fun hearing the stories of these other travelers and then sharing our stories.
After this week we’ll have 4 weeks to go and we’re not sure where to go next. One thought (the path of least resistance) is to stay here and do the second level of the Thai massage class. We like it here and might just do that.
YAH! ! ! Go ahead and STAY! ! ! I wanna be the recipient of ALL that KnOwLeDgE! ! !