My many thanks for putting up with all my antics for almost 30 years) from my multi-talented, beautiful wife. These past two weeks we’ve been the “seniors” in our 3-week Thai Massage class. The other students keep hearing us laugh throughout the practice sessions in our tie-dyed shirts (that usually happens when we can’t remember what we’re doing or when I fall over backwards trying to work on some manipulation on Annie). I hope they don’t think we’re making fun of the class… it’s just it’s hard for us to take it too seriously. This morning I took my early morning walk. During each walk I usually chant a song for the hour as I pass the rice fields. One morning it was “Does your Chewing Gum Loose it’s Flavor on a Bedpost overnight?” Yesterday I kept singing “They’re coming to take me away” Today the Beatles’s “When I’m 64” stayed with me for the whole walk. I was getting ready for tomorrow. Again, thank you Annie for the drawing and for sharing this adventure and every other adventure we’ve had these past colorful years – and for all the ones coming up in the next 20-30 years.
Allynn, Happy Birthday! Big celebration for your wonderful, unique, irrepressible and life – loving spirit!
Thanks Diane. This weekend we celebrate by attending a gigantic flower festival and parade in Chiang Mai. It’s nice that the city throws such a big party for my birthday.
Well, well, WELL! ! ! Happy, happy, HAPPY ONCE AGAIN, BIRTHDAY! ! ! Funny choice of songs — a far cry from mantras — &, I suspect, far BETTER! ! ! Well, am SURE you ARE having a WONDERFUL ONE FALLING OVER and GETTING POUNCED UPON. . . Sounds like a WHOOP-DI-DOO WHIRLWIND of GOOD OL’ IMPISH, MISHCHIEVOUS FUN! ! ! ! ! HUGS and ENJOY! ! !