Mysore Diary, Jan 7

I had a hard time sleeping last night because my yoga class time was changed from 8:30am to 7:00am. So all night I had that thought – is it time to wake up? Even tho I set my alarm and my i-phone alarm. Allynn did the sweetest thing! He found a coffee mug for me that is the size we use at home – not the doll size they have here – Plus- he found in the kitchen cabinet here a plunger style coffee maker and he bought ground coffee and cream! And he makes me coffee every morning! Wow! Hats off to Allynn! So today, energized by my delicious coffee, I got to my class by 7:00. I was amazed to see people leaving as I came in- already done! What time do they begin here? 4:30 ?!
So I got my stuff organized and because the room was already packed with about 30 people I joined the line of people at the back wall. So as we wait, I got a kick out of watching all the yogis going thru their poses. Then a space was open right by the door, so as people enter, they could step right on you! That is how crowded it is! So as we were standing there, that spot became available, and I didn’t want it- I guess someone took it. Then Saraswathi said we aught to go to the side room where students do their finishing poses and start our practice there- I thought sure- So I went there- a pleasant space that has a huge double bed in it! The marble floor is nice and cool and I did my yoga there- until Saraswathi announced that a space opened up in the main room-looking at me- so I got up and dragged my mat, only to discover, the one space available was the one right in front of the door! So there I was! Thinking how ironic life is- I continued my practice there and when I got to the back bending, she – Ms. S was right there to assist me. I was wondering if she would be strong enough to pull me up from a backbend. She was! Down and up 7 times. And it was fun. So, that was yoga. We had chanting at 11:30am and I went back to the House of Kumar for a 4 day class on Transformational Healing. Kumar is a totally brilliant guy with wonderful experiences to share and there are 10 people attending from all over the world. It is group therapy and we take turns, sharing whatever is troubling us about our lives. He had a lot to say about men and women. He said all men feel inferior to women because they cannot create life, as women can. And that is why they are so aggressive, angry, why they build big muscles, make buildings, all kinds of things- just trying to prove they are ok. Wow- what a revelation- I thought. Makes sense to me.
Walking along a road this evening, I saw this incredible scene. (lady with sticks)
Love Annie

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