Mysore Diary, Jan 27

Yoga- feeling like not going today.
My left sit bone is feeling bruised from the jump thrus.  I saw Ruth leaving today so I stopped my practice and went outside to talk with her.  She teaches yoga at a yoga school in NYC, called Jivamukti.
I have been in her class many years ago- maybe 20- and I knew she was teaching painting at Yale.  And she wrote 2 small books which I bought at Jivamukti’s and I devoured.
They both have short chapters about her yogi life. And she writes a lot about Pattabhi Jois  and her times in Mysore. So when I saw her in class
Today, I decided to connect. I stepped outside and told her I’d been in her class many years ago and I told her how much I loved her books. She was very pleasant  and I mentioned that I knew from her books that she normally comes to Mysore in the Summer.  She said she will be doing a teacher training near Mumbai for Jivamukti Yoga so she has come to Mysore before she goes there. She asked how long I am in India for, and I said- traveling for about 6 months. She said- why don’t you stay here in Mysore and study with Saraswathi during that time. She said- you know- in all the whole world- this small group of people here are the only ones who have this opportunity. I thought- wow- 6 months of this yoga every day- intense- that would be intense- boringly intense. Then, I went back into the room and finished my practice. As I was near the end, in the finishing room- where we go after back bending,  I heard Saraswathi ‘s voice, and I saw she was talking to 2 girls, looking down at them, saying in her broken English- you girls- your practice is no good. Take 3 days off to rest- you don’t have to pay-then come back. I thought woa- she’s intense!
I had my hair color done over today. The last time they did It the color did not cover my roots. So I went back today and then rushed to meet Allynn and some friends who are from New Jersey, and this couple are both doing Ashtanga. We had a luncheon date for 12:30. Our past life healing class was at 2:00- I thought we’d have time for lunch- But, by 1:45, our lunch had not come so we just walked out- we had a big day coming up.    This was the day when we were doing a regression on someone we were bringing to the place. Kumar had someone for me- and it was a big event for us!  The room was set up with 7  sleeping cushions and pillows and I met my gentleman, an Englishman, and the event began.
My session went smoothly and it was a tremendously rewarding experience. The events in this man’s past life perfectly answered questions
that have been troubling him in his current life. And when the session was over, 2 hours later, I felt a kind of euphoria come over me . It was just an incredibly joyus feeling to be able to help someone in this way.
One more full day here and then we leave Mysore. See you tomorrow
IMG_1334 IMG_1325 IMG_1182 IMG_0902 IMG_0874 IMG_0720 FullSizeRenderNitey nite.


One thought on “Mysore Diary, Jan 27

  1. Gosh does all of this ever sound inspiring! I just KNOW how much you must be getting out of these past life regressions Annie! Can only imagine the euphoria! Congratulations on fitting it all in! MIGHTY MEGA HUGS to BOTH YOU and ALLYNN! ! !

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