Mysore Diary. Jan 12

Didn’t feel like going back to yoga today, after the high I had yesterday. Got up at 6:30, Allynn made me coffee and I got out by 7:00. The little boy was in class today. When I got there I had to wait about 10 minutes for a spot. It was a good spot, 2 spaces from the door but the rugs were overlapping down the middle of the space which created an odd lump beneath my mat – but the good news was that the window right in front of me, covered with a curtain, was open one inch, bringing in fresh air. I got into the groove of the yoga and all went well.
At breakfast I had an odd experience. As soon as I got to my favorite cafe, I noticed a table of attractive women, all wearing saris, looking at me and laughing.
How odd, I thought. Maybe I met them when Allynn was doing balloons one time. Maybe they do laughing yoga- who knows – then it occurred to me that I read somewhere that some guys in India like to cross dress. This would explain their outlandish behavior. Indian women are rather shy and reserved, not at all like these characters. I had my sketch pad out and was just starting to draw them when they all stood up and came over to see what I was doing . I was laughing by now as I was surrounded by this group of flamboyant drag queens. That was the only explanation! I showed them my sketches, and asked them to pose for a photo. -which they seemed happy to do. And I gave them one of my costume post cards with my Webb site- who knows- we may be kindred spirits.
Onto the beauty parlor. The lady there offered me some tea and said she could not get the color hair dye I’d requested. I was kind of relieved. I said how about a pedicure and a facial. So I had both of those ($10) and went to lunch with Allynn down the street at the lady’s home restaurant where we had the cooking class yesterday. It’s called Rishis. There we met a Russian couple (a yoga teacher and his student) from Moscow who are advanced Ashtanga practioners.

IMG_0039We enjoyed their stories about Putin. Seems that Ashtanga has made it to Moscow. They have both been to Mysore several times.
Next stop was the spice market. We got a rickshaw there, for the fun of it.
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It is such a challenge to try to capture the energy and colors in photos. We bought some papayas, oil, and incense. Then home to our hotel for dinner in our upstairs kitchen- peanut butter on bread and watermelon. Then blog writing.
My friend told me those transvestites are a third sex and they are worshiped here. While my hairdresser said they are beggars and avoid them. Who knows which way the wind blows. And to all a good night.
Love, Annie

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